

Services such as establishment of business entities, managing legality and permits, managing online single submission (OSS), Investment Activity Reports (LKPM), General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Company Engagements.

  1. Control of legal documents through a periodic Audit process to ensure that legal documentation is complete.
  2. Compilation of legal administrative documents to minimize the shortage, incompleteness and/or loss of legal documents.

Cooperation agreement, work agreement for a certain/unspecified time, memorandum of understanding (MOU), summons/reprimand, power of attorney, and legal documentation in other forms to document all legal actions to minimize legal risk.

It is necessary to determine and consider the actions, impacts and legal risks that may occur in the future.

The Legal Memorandum contains the basis for investigating legal cases/disputes. If needed, the Legal Opinion will be made as a material for consideration/reference for legal settlement actions.

Is an alternative dispute resolution not to the judiciary but through a process of negotiation, mediation, or the Indonesian National Arbitration Board (BANI). Generally, Non-Litigation will be more effective in terms of time, confidentiality, and cost.

Settlement of disputes through courts in general courts, special courts, religious courts, and state administrative courts, as well as legal remedies such as appeals, cassation, or judicial review.

Accompany and/or represent disputing entrepreneurs or labors at the bipartite, tripartite, and/or Industrial Relations Courts (PHI) levels.


3rd Floor, Grand Galaxy City
Blok RRG2 Nomor 23
Jakasetia, Bekasi Selatan
Kota Bekasi – 17142
Telp : (021) 8274 8232
Email :

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3rd Floor, Grand Galaxy City Blok RRG2 Nomor 23
Jakasetia, Bekasi Selatan
Kota Bekasi – 17142
Telp : (021) 8274 8232
Email :

© Copyright
Guritno David Sianipar and Partners
Attorney & Conselor at Law

© Copyright
Guritno David Sianipar and Partners
Attorney & Conselor at Law